Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Relax Before My Final Exams

Yay! My very first blog post!! I have always wanted to start on a blog about the randomness going on in my life. That being said, this month will be a busy month! There is finals, essays, and summer vacation waiting for me (I'm excited for the last part^^)! I have to prepare for them soon, but for now, I will enjoy a few more days of relaxation before I get into "FULL POWER STUDY MODE".

As for me, one of my favorite ways to release stress is spending time with Miku^^

Took him to dog park

He's a happy camper!

Such a cute smile right?

He's an attention seeker

Small dog gathering

Wish me luck on my finals! I gonna study hard and pass all my classes. Then spend a nice summer break/vacation with my love ones^^

Much Love,

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